The Seymour TT is back!
(Reported by Martin) After a several year hiatus, we had our first Tuesday night Seymour TT in a long time. Jeff, John B., Ron, Scott and Martin showed up at 6 PM for the 10.85 mile anaerobic race. Alex officiated, with her dog on leash as official TT mascot.
It was a hot afternoon, 86 °F, 50% humidity, but at least only a 5 mph S wind to fight against on the way out. Five racers showed for the inaugural ’17 TT. Ron was off first, and beat the 22 mph mark. Jeff Martin and John next at 1 minute intervals, then Scott a little later because he arrived late and needed to warm up (ironic at this temperature!). Jeff really revved up the heart rate to 190 average, and reached the gold standard at the end of the race: feeling like almost throwing up, but without throwing up. Martin could not rev his hr above 147 (his threshold is at 165) – too much slooow long distance training for the last 2 years? John put in his first hard TT effort after beating cancer, on a spanking new and impressive-looking TT bike he put together. Everyone was very happy with how they did, and now has a baseline value for near-anaerobic threshold performance over ca. 20-30 minutes.
Next week: Seymour again, then Tolono for a 40k the week after? The State TT 40k is also coming up soon! Please come out and race, it’s a great way of gauging your short-distance (but much longer than sprint) fitness. It’s short enough that it will not have an ill effect on your Wednesday night effort. So Mike, what do you say?